Client Reviews
Read these client reviews and discover how hypnotherapy and talking therapies could help you
“I was a bit skeptical about hypnotherapy partly because of the stuff you see on TV, but also because I didn’t really understand much about it. But after several months of sleepless nights and things gradually getting worse, I decided to give it a go.
The sessions were both relaxing and hugely beneficial; my sleep patterns have returned to normal again and for the first time in months, I can sleep all through the night. I feel a lot better for being able to sleep properly and now I also have some tools and techniques to help myself if I have any further sleep problems in the future. Vicki also gave me a hypnosis MP3 to listen to, which I found incredibly relaxing and which I still listen to now whenever things start to feel stressful.”
CS, Harrogate
“I contacted Vicki for help with confidence and anxiety as I had been invited to speak at a conference and I was worried that my nerves would get the better of me. I have never been very confident during speeches or presentations and so a friend suggested that I tried hypnotherapy.
I can’t thank Vicki enough for her help in preparing me for the presentation; everything went really well on the day and I loved every minute. Never thought I would ever say that!! I felt a bit nervous to begin with just before it was my turn, but once I got onto the stage, the nerves just disappeared and I delivered my presentation as if I’d done it a thousand times.
Hypnotherapy has been a fantastic experience for me and I would highly recommend it. I had 3 sessions with Vicki and it has made such a big difference to me – I’m not afraid of public speaking or doing presentations any more and I’m actually excited to try out my new confidence skills again as soon as I can!”
CB, Leeds
“I would highly recommend Vicki and Hypnotherapy is definitely worth a go if you are having things that you struggle with. Vicki helped me to address my fear of public speaking, the sessions were relaxing and informative. When it came to it I was much more comfortable in delivering a composed and confident speech. Thank you, Vicki.”
RM, Leeds
“I have spent approximately 36 of my 38 years with a great fear of dogs.
This has been incredibly restrictive for me, I relied on my husband heavily to help me in situations where dogs have been in the vicinity and, more recently, now I have a young son, this has prevented me from taking him to simple places, such as the local park, on my own for fear of seeing a dog. Earlier this year, I decided that I didn’t want the fear to rule my life anymore. I read an article about hypnotherapy being used to help overcome fears and I found Vicki’s website.
I had five sessions with Vicki, attending on a Saturday which was ideal for me as a full time worker. The Tower Clinic is a welcoming location. I had no idea what to expect from the sessions but Vicki is friendly and very professional. She explained everything fully, took things at a pace which I was entirely comfortable with and I felt at all times that the sessions were very personal.
I am overwhelmed (as is my husband!) with how Vicki has helped me understand my fear and learn how to overcome what I felt was the impossible. I still have a way to go but after only two sessions, I spent a long weekend at a family member’s who own a Labradoodle……. I stroked it and even allowed it near enough to drool on me! I felt no fear or anxiousness……. believe me, that would never have happened three months ago. I would have been in tears before we even got to their house. This experience has been brilliant for me, it has literally changed my life and I have nothing but thanks and praise for Vicki for getting me to this stage.”
Email update received from client:
“I came to see you for some hypnotherapy sessions about 6 years ago to help me with my debilitating fear of dogs. You actually have my client story on your webpage for fear of dogs.
I just wanted to drop you a message. I remember when we had sessions and you asked me to scale from 0 – 100% how I felt about dogs and I estimated at the start that I was at 0% and when we finished sessions, you got me to about 60% which was a fantastic achievement.
Well I really am a true success story for you and in October we got a puppy!! This was never the intention when I came to see you originally!
I just wanted to say thank you again 6 years on. It is no exaggeration to say you changed my and my family’s lives in a wonderful way.”
SS, Leeds
“I used to be terrified of flying and couldn’t stand the thought of getting on a plane. But after booking a holiday, I knew I had to somehow get over it. I had 5 sessions with Vicki and the week after my last session, I went on holiday. Both flights there and back went really well with no stress at all. I thought I might be anxious getting on the plane, but it didn’t happen! I also listened to the hypnosis recording I was given during my sessions and that helped me to relax during the flights as well. Hypnotherapy is the best thing I’ve done in ages and I can’t recommend it enough – thanks Vicki!”
CB, Harrogate
“Thank you so much for your help. I never really thought I would feel this confident around needles and if I were to be told I needed an injection now I don’t even think I’d be bothered!”
RC, Leeds
“I had been having problems with anxiety for some time and it was affecting my work as well as going out with friends and family. After a few therapy sessions with Vicki, I feel a lot better and can now start looking forward to things again.”
DB, Leeds
“Vicki helped me to recover from a very difficult time in my life – I didn’t think I would ever feel OK again, but during the course of my sessions she helped me to feel better about myself and to understand that I do have a choice. I couldn’t imagine what the future might hold for me or what it might be like, but now I can and it looks a lot brighter now. Thank you so much.”
ML, Skipton
“I smoked 20 a day (maybe more…!) since I was in my teens and always found some excuse to justify why I carried on smoking when all the people I know had stopped years ago.
In the end, I decided to try hypnotherapy to help me give up smoking for good and I’m so glad that I did. It’s been about 8 weeks since my session now and I haven’t thought about cigarettes since. I can’t stand the smell of other people smoking and shudder to think that I used to smell like that too (urgh!). All I know now is that I’m so glad I made the decision to book the stop smoking session – I haven’t looked back since!”
DT, York
“I saw Vicki just over a month ago to help me stop smoking. After years of smoking and finding excuses to justify the habit, I finally decided to bite the bullet! The session itself was pretty straight forward and I was also given an MP3 to listen to after my session, which I listened to most days for a couple of weeks. I threw my last packet of cigs in the bin during my session and haven’t even thought about it since. Best thing I’ve done in a long time.”
NA, Leeds
“It almost seemed too easy to become a non smoker after over 30 years of smoking every day, but I’ve done it – no more cigarettes!
The hypnosis session was relaxing and also life changing for me. No more worrying about my health and no more spending a fortune on cigarettes that I don’t need anymore. Since I stopped smoking, I’ve already saved more than the session cost in just under a couple of weeks, so it’s a win-win situation!”
FP, Bradford
These reviews have been provided by the clients themselves, but only their initials are shown to protect their privacy.
You can also read reviews on other websites including Google, Hypnotic World, Counselling Pages and Facebook.