Fear of Needles, Injections & Blood
Do you feel anxious or fearful at the thought of having a blood test or injection?
I can't stand the sight of needles...
Many people are afraid of needles, injections or the sight of blood and for some, the fear is so intense that it can prevent them from visiting their doctor in case they might be asked to have a blood test. After months of social distancing and other restrictions, the prospect of being invited for a Covid-19 vaccination is something that lots of people are looking forward to… Unless you have a fear of needles.
It is believed that at least one in ten people have a fear of needles or injections, so it’s actually a lot more common than most people realise. Perhaps you’ve had a bad past experience or maybe it’s a fear of the unknown. Nobody really likes having injections, but they are a normal part of life and most of us will need an injection or blood test at some point.
When we have a fear of something, particularly if we’ve had that fear for a long time, our mind often starts to exaggerate things and the fear often becomes a lot worse than the event itself. What is, in reality, a minor event with perhaps a few seconds of mild discomfort, can become a terrifying experience which seems to last a lot longer.
Now could be the time to overcome your fear.

Therapy for Fear of Needles & Injections
The most effective therapy for you depends on your individual situation. Many people have found Hypnotherapy helpful for overcoming a fear of needles, injections or blood and talking with someone who is impartial and non-judgmental can help you to overcome your fears. Working with your subconscious mind, relaxation, distraction and anxiety release techniques can be taught which will enable you to develop a calmer way of responding and leave your fear in the past.
Your First Session
At your first session, either at the clinic or online, we will talk about your situation in more detail, including your past experiences and goals, along with your role in the therapy process. You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and then we will move on to the therapy part of your session which may involve a combination of therapies such as Hypnotherapy, CBT and NLP combined with other talking therapies as appropriate.